Friday, August 14, 2009

Hello Friday

Good Morning San Diego,
Wake to another soft grey day probably turning to a beautiful blue later.

For all you August brides maybe you want to do it the Italian way:
From info on today's holiday:

Torta Dei Fieschi (Wedding Cake)

Lavagna, August 14

Count Opizzo Fieschi wanted to demonstrate his great love for his bride, Bianca dei Bianchi of Siena, when they wed on August 14, 1230. Naturally he ordered a cake made with 4,000 eggs, 3,300 pounds of sugar, and 3,300 pounds of flour, frosted with 110 pounds of almond paste. The thirty-foot-high cake, shared by everyone in the town, testified to the magnitude of his devotion.

Every year the wedding is reenacted, with a different young woman as the beautiful bride. There are fencing contests, flag-throwing demonstrations, concerts, a candlelight parade with knights in costume, and—of course—an immense wedding cake. Men in medieval costume tote the torta through the town and hand out lottery tickets—blue for men, pink for women, each pair with a matching code word. The men and women must compare cards with thousands of people to find their match and qualify for a slice of cake.

Sounds like fun to me......

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lost track of time at the track!

Good Evening San Diego,
Del Mar Race Track, where the turf meets the surf.
Had a great day without you. Sorry you werent there with me. gives me an excuse to share more photos with you.

Click here for the whole album.


Good Morning San Diego,
Thursday it is, very close to Friday, are you getting excited yet? Another weekend for some R&R for those of you who do the 9 to 5. Then there is the rest of us that own our own businesses that work S to S (Sunday to Sunday). Any way that is my excuse for taking the afternoon off and going to the Del Mar races with the Women's Council of Realtors. Im betting all my money on 'Hot & Dusty" in the first and "Wheresmymargarita" in the last. Wish me luck.....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Good morning San Diego,
John has been at it again. Cooking over the top for a birthday celebration for a friend at our house last night. He had planned to serve the whole fish, head and all, but it was too large. Black Sea Bass stuffed with clams raisins, pine nuts, breadcrumbs and veggies. Amazing, the picture does not do it justice. Again, I do not have to buy a lottery ticket, I have my wish "a personal chef".....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Good Morning San Diego,

Here's to all you sleepy San Dieagans. I hear the newscasters have to get up at 2:30am to get to work on time. It looks kind of like this when they walk out the door to greet the day. I think I am glad that I don't have to get up this early.....

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday Morning

Good Morning San Diego,
One gull to another:
Man, I hate waiting in line for the bathroom......

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday sunnyday

Good Morning San diego,

All you summer sun lovers, up and at em. San Diego is waiting for ya!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Foggy Friday

Good Morning San Diego,
And a happy Friday to you.
Today is the end of a fab week and the end of National Psychic Week and
Turtles International Awareness Week. I can cover them both: I am channeling the fact that the turtles did not know that we were aware of them. (That will be $5.00 please).

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Have a Ball

Good Morning San Diego,

Did you know that today is Lucille Ball's birthday? I always liked her quote: "Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead. " Lucille Ball As a "retired" redhead I relate to this, although I don't think I "every man" complied with his entitlement....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Good Morning San Diego

Wake up all you sleepyheads,
Its time to see another San Diego Day get started. Not as spectactular a rise as yesterday, just a little soft change from dark to purple to grey to blue. The full moon was spectacular last night though. Did you see it? What a beauty....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Good Morning San Diego

Hi Honey, I'm Home!! And I've cooked up a cup O' Sunrise Java to wake you up with some San Diego Caffene. Click Here for a Java Jolt SD style: San Diego Sunrise (too many to choose from)

Monday Midnight

Good Evening San Diego,
Here are some after hours shots to let you know what is happening on our side of the hill while you are snuggling down for the night.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sleepy Sunrise

Good Morning San Diego,

Welcome to the sunrise sweety, about time right? If you want to see more click here:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bountiful Sunday

Good Afternoon San Diego,
Welcome to the fruits of my garden labors: Zucchini, lemons, blood oranges, cherry tomatoes, purple herlooom tomatoes, early girl tomatoes and Roma tomatoes. yum, yum.....

Sailing in to San Diego, large and small, each enjoying the view, and I was too....

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New Day, New Month

Good Morning San Diego,

Welcome to August. Still playing with a marine layer, so the sunrise is still evading me. I know it is out there somewhere......

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tresspassers Beware

Good Morning San Diego,
Here is the non-sunrise view this AM. The marine layer got in my way again...

If you are a little squeamish don't look below....

Getting close to that weekend again. Are thinking about RR? Our little doggies were playing all night. They cornered, harried and caught a large opossum last night. I sprayed them with a hose and everything and could not get them to let it live. I guess it was "doggies night out" and they needed it. It has been a long time since they have caught anything except for a facefull of skunk perfume....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good Afternoon San Diego

Did you miss me this morning? Sorry to post so late, but real work got in the way of my play work. The America's Cup team was out on their new play thing today. This new trimaran is amazingly big those are not small boats beside it. On Monday the new trimaran began her sailing trials, hoisting the double reefed 5,000 square foot (500 meters square) mainsail up the 158 foot (48 meter) carbon fiber mast. Click here for video: USA-BMW Oracle It dwarfs any other boat in the bay.

The light tonight was amazing, shining thru holes in the clouds to light up the city when everything else was in shadow.

The sunrise this morning was another May Gray Day. Wazzuppw/dat????

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Morning

Good Morning San Diego,
Time to start another week in our beautiful city. I may complain that there was no sunrise due to marine layer this am, but I'll still bless myself that I live in the best place in the world. (If you ask me, or don't, Ill tell you anyway). If you are a little sad that your weekend is over, you can reminisce over these pics of Sunset Cliffs that I took last night just before sunset. Enjoy

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Shark Sunday

Good Morning San Diego,
Time to swim with the sharks, as they say, but literally, you can, in La Jolla this time of year the docile Leopard sharks arrive and cover the beaches, freaking out tourists and allowing wanna be "Sea Hunt" fans (remember that show? You really are old..) to play out their fantasy shark swim without fear of being munched. Click here for story and pics

So have a great Sunday. And be sure to come home with all of your toes......

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Good Morning San Diego,
And how are we this foggy morning? Were you up early like me and my neighbor's one-eyed cat? (chasing the early bird and having very vocal discussions with my wayward cat Lillimon).

The skyline was another soft grey morning, we are back to no sunrises for a while I guess.

I told my captian (on the yacht Renown) not to take the boat out without my permission..... (I guess the owners had other ideas)

Friday, July 24, 2009


Good Morning San Diego,
Summer is here but the foggy sunrises are still with us. Foggy in the AM and sunny afternoons, keeping it humid and a little cooler. Another beginning of a fab weekend in Americas Finest City. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Good Morning San Diego,
Get in line, everybody, were going to have some fun. Always something to watch on the bay. I have such an active view from my home office that it is amazing anything gets done.

From watching the sailboat races in the afternoon to the sunrise this morning there is activity on the water 24-7. I love it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

One giant step

Good Morning Moonies,
Today marks the day 40 years ago that we walked on the moon. Amazing, I thought we would be walking on Mars by now. I wanted to be one of the lucky ones to do it. (Weren't to many girl astronauts at that time!) Did you know that Michael Jackson was not the originator of the moon walk? John says that the Marx brothers were the first to make this move in public.