Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Good Morning San Diego.
Here we go again, another foggy start to a beautiful day. The last day of June gloom, right?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Maniac Monday

Another busy commute to the office. Point me in the right direction, Ill wake up by the time we get there.
I hate it when there is so much traffic in the morning. That yellow bouy cuts me off every single day.

Back to work on another misty manic monday? Or heading out to the old grind like these guys?

The Stella D'Italia is throwing its own star on the water.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I'm Baaaaak!

Good Evening San Diego,

Did you miss me? I was away for 3 days at my "I can't believe I'm EVEN 40", 40th high school class reunion. Glad to say the class, on a whole, aged really well. Most of us are still walking un-assisted and can remember our own middle names. The women looked amazing, and I did not see anyone that looked obviously "Rested". Are you ready for a trip down memory lane with me? Too BAD.. You have to come anyway:

This is the house I grew up in in San Jacinto, CA. It is still yellow and looks exactly as I remember it. (amazing considering the hard times the rest of the town has registered). You will have to tiptoe thru my memory backward, as I loaded these pictures in the wrong order(oops).

The house above is nextdoor, and belonged to my closest friend Kathy (until 6th grade) when we went over to the "dark" side and moved to Hemet, our biggest rival. I cried for a month and hated Hemet at first. Kathy's house now looks like most of the valley, dry, dusty, and really on hard times. When I first walked into this house it was the first "mansion" I was ever in. In my mind it is still the elegant, high ceilingd, bees wax polished, crystalled, eye popper any Kindergartner ever saw. Speaking of that, the picture above that is the world famous Kindergarten 1 room schoolhouse that was 1/2 block from home. I remember the looooong, dusty walk from my door to school and back. (maybe 2 minutes if I lagged?)

The lake picture is an interesting one. If you look closely at the center of the lake you WON'T see an X that would mark the spot where the 5 acres that we were going to buy when we changed our mind and moved to San Diego. I had heard that it was under water, but had not yet seen the sun reflecting upon the water over the spot. I had always asked for water front property...
The top photo is of my best friend in highschool, Kay, and of Kurt, one of the great guys in "our crowd", Kays husband , Dale, is the photographer. ( he is trying to zoom in on the wine bottle lable) my husband John sent along a bottle from our graduation year 1968. It was a verrrrrry good year. Kay who is always on her toes reminded us all that for our 50th reunion all of us from '68 will be 68......

Friday, June 26, 2009


Hi guys,
Just a quick note to let you know I will be out of town for 3 days. Leaving today to go to beautiful downtown Hemet, CA. to revisit my youth... 40th (can you believe it) class reunion. Back to the Blog and SD on Monday. Call a lonely little John and keep him company for me (actually you can be his probation officer and make sure he doesn't have more fun than me. Talk to ya soon. R

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cowabunga Dudes

The eyes of a tiger..... I take it back there is a winner of the cow contest. My vote goes for this one, it looks like you are going to see this head of CAT-ttle lick its face and moo any second. My vote for second goes to the psychedelic eye cow. ( I guess the eye's have it !)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Good Morning San Diego,

Are you ready to celebrate the Midsummer Solstice? Summer has started and our days will be getting shorter from now on. I could have read a book on my deck outside last night at 8:30pm, it was still so light. what an amazing time of year. If you want to get alot done there are enough hours of daylight to give you a chance...enjoy them

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Good Morning San Diego,

Ready for another June gloom Tuesday? Soft and grey now, sunny and warm at 11... call back in July for a sunrise maybe, Im beginning to believe that it was all a mirage. Anyway I know I will have something spectacular for you one of the these days, you just wait, and wait, and.....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Good Morning Monday

Hello All,

Did you have a wonderful Fathersday? Ours was very nice, Johnnie cooked and we loafed by the pool for a couple of hours. The sun came out and it was fab...

This morning it was foggy, but again, now it it sunny and warm, Love that "Diego Day Glow".

Saturday, June 20, 2009

LS Cow Pattie Awards

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to an art gallery. Liberty Station had a fund raising cow painting contest, and guess what, they ALL lost. (if I was judging) anyway here are a couple of examples, not the worst, (there was no best (meowwww)) the blue cow really bites in my opinion, and Caruso wanted to bite…the steak he thought would be inside the cutout in the cow, boy was he disappointed. If I knew where to get a few fresh dried cow patties I would award a few prizes of my own. Man I really sound pisssy don't I? Time for some anti PMS R&R I guess. Where did miss 'sweetness and light' go? I think Ill go google Stockyards in San Diego.....

Good Morning San Diego

Hey ever heard "Play Misty for Me?" we are still in that mode, almost rain, just enough to make the skin on your cheeks tingly and cold. The fog horn is blowing softly and the billows of white are slowly rolling over the cliffs and across the bay. The city towers are almost hidden, and everything is quiet and damp. Even this cigarette boat slipped quietly out of the marina, ready to go screaming across the water with an adrenilin pumped Fathers Day Dad behind the wheel, mom and all the kids white faced and trying to catch their breath in the cockpit. (I'm glad they have to wait to get out into the channel before they can blow out the eardrums of anything within a mile). I'm still into soft foggy thoughts, so here is a comparison for you, which magnolia blossom is softer to the touch and more desireable to smell? The pristine white petal just unfurled in the warm sunrise, or yesterdays sable leather faded bloom? I'll give you a hint: For the new bloom, think back when you were a kid and loved to slide your hand over the warm just melted candle wax that left a hint of a new layer of skin on your fingers, and the warm smokey sweet sent as it peeled off. For the old bloom, think of the first time you were lucky enough to feel the buttery slide of freshly tanned doe hide leather, cuddly, immediately warm ,earthy and fresh at the same time. I think I will cuddle back in bed with my chamois comforter and dozen fresh magnolia blossoms and tell my husband "Happy Fathers Day!"

Friday, June 19, 2009

Good Morning Foggy Friday

Good Morning San Diego,

The sun is on the way, they say, but right now it is a soft foggy friday. I love the sound of the fog horn on the water, and the seals answering back. Beautiful morning music...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Good Morning Wednesday

Here is my photo of the "madonna's" taken on our last trip to Rome, in Tivoli Gardens. They were very happy to have their picture taken, I don't think they realized the incongruity of the Egyptian Statue's breasts behind all these beautiful nuns.
Good Morning San Diego,

Today is Feast of the Madonna, Italy. Around our house that is almost every day

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rain in San Diego?

Here is a little sunshine in a small package with a sting. This was taken on Sunday in Del Mar. This bumble bee was enjoying the fruits of our fickle sun, collecting pollen on this lavender plant.
Good Morning Wet One,

Rain in June, again??? What ever happened to global warming? Anyway the flowers are very happy, and our water conservation is much easier. Am I in trouble because I now have watered my garden in an off day?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Good Morning Monday

Welcome to the middle of June, already. We had a little sun yesterday, what a treat. Is our June gloom finally going to be fading away?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sweet Sunday

Good Morning San Diego,
It is a sweet Sunday Sunrise. A little bit of heaven in the worlds "Finest" city. 5:30am and the Cruise ships are sliding quietly into berth.

The sun is almost as far North as it is going to get. My sunrise shots are of more tree than city skyline these days.

Holy Sweet Sunday, Batgirl!!! This shot is for my friend Vicky, John's biggest fan and cake groupie. He baked all this week for an event on Friday. Strawberry Almond, Pineapple Coconut, Raspberry Walnut, Chocolate Heath Bar. What could be sweeter than that???

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Good Morning June Bug,

This is National Rose Month, so you have plenty of beautiful buds to choose to hang with.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Good Morning San Diego,

A little bit misty here at the coast, June gloom still rides again. But today is National Yo-Yo Day, so maybe the weather will roll back up again before it walks the dog back to the grey side....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

National Sea Turtle Day

Good Morning San Diego,
Another June Gloom day. Do you think this turtle, when he pops his head above the surf, would decide to go play cards with the groundhog for another month before coming out again? I don't think so, where he lives the sky is always blue....

My thanks to Dave Rudie for sending me this pic he took in Fiji a couple of weeks ago of a Hawksbill Turtle.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Magnolia Monday

Good day to ya sweet miss magnolia.
Good day to ya, sweet Miss Magnolia. Monday is a wastin' time to get out and smell the flowers. Try acting busy like the bee, and be soft like the flower bud, and your June Monday will slide by just like warm honey...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Moon Rise

The Moon in June....

Just testing my night vision.

San Diego, we have liftoff

Hey Guys,

"Sunny Diego" is back and he is smiling! (Check out the smiley face in the clouds)

This is the first real sunrise in ages, and I'm much happier. It rained all night (can you believe it?) and now we have a beautiful sunny Sunday to enjoy.