Sunday, June 28, 2009

I'm Baaaaak!

Good Evening San Diego,

Did you miss me? I was away for 3 days at my "I can't believe I'm EVEN 40", 40th high school class reunion. Glad to say the class, on a whole, aged really well. Most of us are still walking un-assisted and can remember our own middle names. The women looked amazing, and I did not see anyone that looked obviously "Rested". Are you ready for a trip down memory lane with me? Too BAD.. You have to come anyway:

This is the house I grew up in in San Jacinto, CA. It is still yellow and looks exactly as I remember it. (amazing considering the hard times the rest of the town has registered). You will have to tiptoe thru my memory backward, as I loaded these pictures in the wrong order(oops).

The house above is nextdoor, and belonged to my closest friend Kathy (until 6th grade) when we went over to the "dark" side and moved to Hemet, our biggest rival. I cried for a month and hated Hemet at first. Kathy's house now looks like most of the valley, dry, dusty, and really on hard times. When I first walked into this house it was the first "mansion" I was ever in. In my mind it is still the elegant, high ceilingd, bees wax polished, crystalled, eye popper any Kindergartner ever saw. Speaking of that, the picture above that is the world famous Kindergarten 1 room schoolhouse that was 1/2 block from home. I remember the looooong, dusty walk from my door to school and back. (maybe 2 minutes if I lagged?)

The lake picture is an interesting one. If you look closely at the center of the lake you WON'T see an X that would mark the spot where the 5 acres that we were going to buy when we changed our mind and moved to San Diego. I had heard that it was under water, but had not yet seen the sun reflecting upon the water over the spot. I had always asked for water front property...
The top photo is of my best friend in highschool, Kay, and of Kurt, one of the great guys in "our crowd", Kays husband , Dale, is the photographer. ( he is trying to zoom in on the wine bottle lable) my husband John sent along a bottle from our graduation year 1968. It was a verrrrrry good year. Kay who is always on her toes reminded us all that for our 50th reunion all of us from '68 will be 68......

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