Thursday, April 30, 2009

Good Morning Sunrise

Sunrise on the "Big Bay", our grey days are gone for a while. Just until tomorrow when our "May Grey" is to start, but we already had that so May-be we will get lucky and have our favorite Son- Sun back ...

Today is National Hot Dog Day and Take A Walk In the Park Day so I think you can do both, if you can eat and walk at the same time.

Crusin in with the sunrise. Two big Cruise ships back to back. Coming back from Mexico after a tourist stop at Pedros Pig Palace. Watch out SD, as BBBO says "wash your hands children".

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Getting a Facelift

Hi Guys Im getting a Facelift, you are the first to know....

Not me personally, silly, the Blog is going to change its look soon. let me know what you think.

Good Morning Smokey Joe,

Its really only rain clouds, but since today is the Festival of Smoke and Mirrors, and since we have been seeing alot of that from Washington lately I thought it was appropriate....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday April 28 2009, just in case you forgot

Good morning Blue Tuesday,
Another quiet fog whistle buoy wakes me up to start the day. No bright light, no alarm, just a soft blue haze over Americas Finest. It is so clam and quiet, I think I will go back to sleep....

Ride Em Cowboy

Check out his moustache... you will have to look close but it is as wide as his shoulders, and waxed to a point. Don't poke me in the eye with that thing...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lakeside Rodeo Sunday April 26 2009

Sunday we went to the Lakeside Rodeo, our tradition, Johns 25th time, my 9th.

Yee-Haw, ride - em cowboy.

No BULL we really had fun.

Although those cowboys are lazy....always laying down on the job.

I think this is the best picture I have ever taken, thanks to Vickie Shueh for lending me her camera, because I forgot mine. (blond again). Ill have more for you when she sends me the CD of the 131 photos I took. I had a great time, she has a great camera. What do ya think????

Sunrise Soft on the eyes

Welcome back to the soft sunrises. An easy on the eyes way to start the week.....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Silver Sunday

Good Morning Silver Sunday,
Is this silver I see in your hair? Are you a Senior, or just having a "Senior Moment?". Today is national Make Up Your Holiday Day. They made this day for all of us with "Teflon Brain" If you can't remember what the heck today is, you just get to make up you own. I think the brain trust entrusted to give us quality holiday put on their Teflon thinking caps and had a short circuit. I have a much better name for today's holiday, um wait a minute, what was that...I just had it, um, wait a sec, Ill think of it, I wrote it down some where ,...........

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sunnry Saturday

Good Morning Sleepy One,
Wakey, Wakey, it is a sunny Saturday for a little while at least. If you are too depressed to get out of bed, I will send my friend over to fix you up.
1886 Sigmund Freud opens practice at Rathausstrasse 7, Vienna .
You two can chat a length about which of your fantasies are holding you back. My guess would be the one with the duck.....

Friday, April 24, 2009

Good Morning Aprils May Grey

Two mornings of Grey Day,

Nice soft incandescent light for illuminating our illustrious place of Idyll.
Or for playing with ill iteration.....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sun Rises over Rincon

Good Morning all you gamblers.
I bet I am the only one of you that can say I arose at 5:30am to take a picture of the sunrise. I know you were probably still up from last nite, trying to win back all that "dispensable income" that you don't really want to dispense with. I won my money back at about 11:30pm last night, with that last set of four 7 7 7 7 's HOT DAMN! Don't get too excited, I was only betting $1.00 a hand......

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

To the Moon Alice

Good Morning Alice,

I see you have been distracting the moon, and it is still here in the morning.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday Morning Secretaries Day

Good Morning San Diego,
Wake up and be nice to that secretary sleeping blissfully next to you! (it is national Secretary's Day) It is also national Radium Day, so you cheapster, you could take care of 2 birds with one trip to the X-Ray...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Sunrise with Crecent Moonset

Here is your Sunday Sunrise, just getting ready to pop, I could still see the crecent moon getting to head to the Point Loma Headland to set. Enjoy

Campo Road Kill

I plan on being around when this Century plant blooms again....

After the snake, I thought the place was giving me the evil eye....

One of many avairies, the peacocks cry in tune with Joes out of tune "aaoogah' horn on the old Jeep.

Joe has a nice little rancho, 120 Acres in Campo, there is alot of wild life there, and not all the four legged kind.

Saturday in Campo because PL is without Current

They told me to wear boots to Campo, because of the snakes. So I wore my high top tennies I knew I could outrun them. I was wrong. I missed stepping on its head by just looking down at the last second. Poor little critter, do you think he might have been upset? Later I got hit in the head by trees twice because I was soooo looking down.

Saturday Sunrise, Your tax dole-errs at work

Takes three City workers 12 hours to fix one electric glitch. (One is smoking, One is scratching his 'you know what', and one is poking the monkey telling him to flip the switch.)

A soft sunrise for you, a day late when we were without power on Rosecrans for 12 hours. Am I forgiven?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Fab Friday

Good Morning Fab Friday,

Hang on to your sunscreen its going to be SPF heaven this weekend. Gotta love that sun, call us Sunny Diego for a few days at least. The flowers are poppin' the waves are wavin' and the locals are loco.....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Day After

Good Morning San Diego,
Did you make it thru the long lines at the post office to send in your 'hard earned' to serve the soft belly of your poor little destitute Uncle Sam? Well, today is the day after the pain, onward and upward (hopefully) into the light. Its going to be a beautiful week, weather wise, yesterday the wind blew all that "hot air" out of our area. So now we can take a deep breath and bless our hearts that we live in such a beautiful place. Once they clean all that "tea" out of our harbor and start using a little common sense, (we still have common sense, don't we?) we will be back on track.

This cruise ship yesterday had to get back on track. You cant see the little boat in the shadow of the bow that his is just missing, rudder hard to starboard, engines in reverse, and horns blareing. We had a rowdy day yesterday, houses sliding down hill, Rosecrans shut down all day for a water main break, and no electricity today for scheduled maintenance. I think I will go for a walk......

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Better Late Than....

Good Afternoon San Diego,

No excuses late again... Left early today to go to LA. UGGGGGGGG I hate traffic. Left at 8:30 arrived at 11:30 for a 1 and 1/2 hour drive. But lunch was awsome at an old school famous restaurant on Hollywood Blvd. just a little way from the walk of stars, and Hollywood High. Musso Frank. (wierd name, but we were ushered to the booth used always by Raymond Burr, where we SAT in his honor... So anyway the sunrise was a grey blurr, so here are some better shots for you:
1. Kelp in Santa Barbara
2. Easter Flower Gift
3. Moonset over the harbor taken this month.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sunrise on Monday, Buon Appetitto Easter Sunday

Good Morning San Diego,
Are you still full from yesterday? Did you love Sunrise Service from Cabrillo Point?

This is Damon, getting a few rays, waiting for Easter dinner impatiently, as you can see.

John served up the usual (unusual) Anchovies on roasted red peppers with capers and lemon, Poipu (octopus- see the little arms?) salad, deviled eggs with salmon, lots of fresh veggis, fresh strawberry-heath bar layer cake , and the main dish, Crown Roast of Pork, stuffed and served with baked apples.

John was moving so fast in the kitchen I couldn't catch him.