Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hey Hey Hey another Grey Day

Edgar Allen Poe would have liked this morning, and my pet crow in the tree across the street.

My attack cat LilliMon watching the crow across the street.

My geraniums that my neighbor across the street wants to steal.....

Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Birthday John!

Here is the BD boy's sunrise. Typical May grey. But scroll down, wishful thinking would be that this boat carrier was delivering John's birthday present (check out the one upper left). Dream on...I did get him a birthday card though.......

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sunrise Zucchini

No sunny sunrise yet...
You get faux sunrise in my zucchini flowers just started blooming today. Kinda looks like a sunrise don't ya think? Just wait until the zucchini are ripe, you will have a sunrise in your mouth. I brought these seeds back from Mt. Etna in Sicily, Italy. They really have a lot of heart, pushing up out of the soil the very next day after planting the bare seeds..Amazing!

Two ships passing in the night...well 5:00am anyway. Scroll down to where they kiss....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday May 27 2009

Sunny days remembered in this photo I took more than a year ago. Enjoy....
Good Day San Diego,

Here is your morning shot, still a little grey around the edges, but still our beautiful city. Grey or gold I'd rather be here than anywhere else. Not alot of people can say that. (spoiled brat)....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday Morning

Well it's back to work after the long weekend. The sunrise is still hiding behing the "Marine Layer". Hey you Marines go away for a while so I can see the sun.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Monday

Happy Memorial Day!

Here is a shout out to all our amazing military personel who have and will lay it on the line for all of us. Remember to say a prayer and send a salute to our flag and all that it represents.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Camp Campo is Campy

Spent the day in Campo, playing with the camera.

Shall we play "I spy"?

Here is a lizard catching some RAYS.

I spy the suns rays.

I spy the color blue looking back at me..

I spy spiky feathers...

I spy cactus spikes...

I spy critters on spikes..

I spy multiple spikes...

I spy a spike in price....
(for sale 7K, probably 3x what it sold for new in '29)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Simple Saturday

It's simply Staturday, simply grey and a holiday, so all is well. A little 3-day respite to replenish your soul and relax those frown lines.
These are the wacky national thoughts in May:
Date Your Mate Month
National Barbecue Month
National Bike Month
National Blood Pressure Month
National Hamburger Month
National Photograph Month
National Recommitment Month
National Salad Month
Older Americans Month
and today is my Daughter Penny's Favorite:
I guess that covers just about all of us , doesn't it.....

Friday, May 22, 2009

Funky Friday


It's another grey start to a fab weekend. Watcha gonna do? Plant a flag to honor our fallen? Plant a pig in the fire to feed all your buds? Plant a flower to beautify our city? I think you should do "something!". Get up and out and outttta that funk. No newspapers or TV allowed, no trials, tribulations or the government THEOMANIA. Lets have a little TEMULENCY (but let someone else dirve), and then go get a little THELYPHTHORIC (but keep the curtains closed). In other words

Have a wonderful weekend.....

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Urban Decay Day

Good Morning San Diego,
OOOPs, I mean Good Evening San Diego....

Here is your sunrise, even if a little late, I was up early taking it, just a little slow on the uptake posting it...

Can you tell that the grey days do not excite me all that much? The first real sunrise we have next, you will hear the "hallelujah" from here.

To keep you coming back and not getting bored, I will post a couple of shots I took at Liberty Station, enjoy them while you can. The renovators are just a step behind me.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday May 20 2009

What??? No sunrise, again. So here are some sunsets in Japatul Valley just for you.

Don't be so sad, I know there is a sunrise out there somewhere...I will chase it until it decides to show its pretty face...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday - Swallows Day

Today is a holiday. Did you know? It is Swallows Day . Here is my pic for the day. Capastrano, Schmapastrano, I'll take Japatul any day. The birds may come and go, but Jack will swallow watermelon every single time, and on que.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Head 'Em Up!

Spent the day in Japatul. Pronounced Hapatul, not as our Garman repeats "Jap-A-toool". These views are of our friend Fred Camerons ranch there. His best friend "Jack" is the horney one, OH, sorry, I mean the one with the horns. He is a Masai from Africa that has been his pet for 15 years, followes him around, would love to come into the house but his horns are way to wide to allow that. As you see he loves to be scratched. The view is all the way to the ocean and beyond on a clear day. The flowers are called monkey flowers and are growing right out of the granite rock. Fred has bird houses up all over his acres, and has resident bluebirds nesting, here pics of the 6 latest addidtions to the flock.

Grey Sunday

May grey sunday again, off to the mountains more later.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bird, Bird, BirdBird's the Word.....

Foggy Top o' the morning to ya...

Nothin' shakin' on the bay, so I've sent you some "Bright Beaks" to check out. Other than their squawking, I like these wild Conure parrots that land in my yard about sunrise. The pictures are of the same parrots in Liberty Station this morning. The whole flock was eating the coral tree flowers like candy. The Humming Birds were not happy, as that is their territory, but they were no match today for the bigger aggressive parrots....