Monday, May 18, 2009

Head 'Em Up!

Spent the day in Japatul. Pronounced Hapatul, not as our Garman repeats "Jap-A-toool". These views are of our friend Fred Camerons ranch there. His best friend "Jack" is the horney one, OH, sorry, I mean the one with the horns. He is a Masai from Africa that has been his pet for 15 years, followes him around, would love to come into the house but his horns are way to wide to allow that. As you see he loves to be scratched. The view is all the way to the ocean and beyond on a clear day. The flowers are called monkey flowers and are growing right out of the granite rock. Fred has bird houses up all over his acres, and has resident bluebirds nesting, here pics of the 6 latest addidtions to the flock.

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