Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sunrise Last Day of Feburary

Hey, February, Time to say "see ya". No 29th this year to keep you around for just one more sunrise. We're Marching on into the green month, of little green Leprechauns and Shamrocks and best of all, a change in our LUCK. I don't know about you but this year is all about making lemonade out of all those lemons we've been given lately. I'm really glad the price of sugar hasn't gone up like gas, because I plan to have a very sweet year. Starting today. Because it is National Chocolate Soufflé Day. I have my bittersweet tooth all ready for the deserts we are cooking up for tonight. Well, gotta go now, I get to lick the sweet stuff off the sides of that souffle bowl......

Friday, February 27, 2009

Good Morning Blimpy

There always is something new in the air in San Diego. Have you ever seen this? All of Ocean Beach was thinking they better stop "smokin" that funny stuff , it was starting to make them hallucinate. I have proof, but it is fun to watch the beach baby's get nervous.

Surprise San Diego

I thought you might like to see a beauty of a sunset instead of another just grey sunrise. Taken off of a deck of my friends home on Amiford Street in the Sunset Cliffs area of Ocean Beach. Nice, right? There are homes in this neighborhood that are right at the top of the hill that see this site in the evening and my sunrise in the morning too. A double dip of serendipity...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

San Diego Sunrise

Good Morning all you warm weather lovers,

Here's to the San Diego we locals love to love. Just amazing to live in a place that everyone in the world wants to visit . We just wake up to it every day. Na, Na, NaNaNa! Are you envious yet? I was, when I didn't live here. You know that one decision that changes your life forever? I heard a motivational speaker say "Decide where you want to be in 5 years, and if you really want it, you had better start today to make it happen. I listened, and after 2 years of planning moved my family here. For once in my life I did what I was told....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Humpday Dumpdy Grey Day

Good Morning Humpdy,
Happy day after Fat Tuesday day...
I know you are feeling a little "grey" today (just like our sunrise) after all that heartier partying and Louisiana Marti Gras home brew R&R (Regurgitation & Repentance) was said and done. Put a little chilled wet cloth on your sweaty brow and take a couple of the 'morning after the night before' pain killers. You'll feel better soon. Lent isn't that long (you do know what lent is?). You'll be right back swingin' and singin' as soon as you get ahold of that "King Stahlman" guy to open the door....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday

Good Morning Mr. Mardi Gras, Welcome to the home of "Pea Soup San Diego". My first sunrise photo with no sun at all. It won't last long so enjoy the soft grey light while you can. Every view, gold or grey is amazing here. This shot is of the Harbor Police dock at the point of Shelter Island. Not a bad view even on a grey day. Speaking of Pea Soup. Did your parents ever make you eat the pea soup at that famous restaurant with the windmill?(I wont name names, to protect the chefs that should be strung up by their apron strings) I always thought it tasted like dirt myself. Hated that green goo my Mom thought was such a treat. (feining apoplexey to get away from that table). After I met my husband, the chef, he tried to get me to that eat green goo at home. You know how love is, "I'll humor him, and pretend to eat it and then hide it in my baked potato skin like I when I was seven. One taste, I can deal with one little taste without gagging, I think. After I had scarfed down my second bowl of creamy, steamy, sweet stuff, I realized I had beed duped. I loved my Mom, we had a great relationship, but I realize she was slyly getting me back for not cleaning my room on Saturday, making it a treat to go to "That" place and eat "That" green gross goo. Here's to you mom, you must be laughing in heaven that it took me this long to realize the joke was on me. Who knew, there is actually a delish "pea soup" (like heaven) and I am also learning that lima beans are not torture...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Penny!

Good Morning Bellesprit,
A special wish to my daughter for her day. The day of her birth will be shared with some lucky cruisers on this ship arriving in town this rosy sunrise morning. Looks like they will be here for "Fat Tuesday" tomorrow. Depending upon how long they have been on this ship, fat may be what they did not hope to go home with.
Anyway check out the revelry happening in town before Lent slows down that party habit you picked up

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Good Morning Oscar

Good Morning Oscar,
If you have any of those little gold boys lying around, I think you need to send one our way. San Diego has all the glitter and glitz and even our own red carpet (although a little damp). Has anyone ever arrived at the Oscars in a boat? We don't have to "act" our part, the scene changes happen flawlessly,and if the plot is not to your liking all you have to do is look over your shoulder for a completely different story.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Carnevale, San Diego Style

Good Morning Greysun,
More cloudy days for San Diego. The surf crowd doesn't care about the sky, they just want to get wet. Check out and watch.

Scripps Pier
Today 06:33am
Waist High
4-5/6ft NW
+ view details

If you are up for a party, (who isn't?) My extended Italian family wants to have you over for a little local revelry. Chianti , Cannaloni, & Canoli. The four "Cs", and maybe even a Caruso or two. What could be better?
Little Italy Carnevale - 5-10 pm Sat, Feb. 21, 2009 No reader reviews yet. Add yours! The Little Italy Association presents the sixth annual Little Italy Carnevale in the heart of San Diego's Little Italy. Enjoy food, entertainment, arts and crafts.
Genre: Family, Festivals

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sleepy Sunrise

Good Morning Lazybones,

I almost missed this sunrise so you get a quick snap taken in my jammies. I guess I thought it was Saturday and slept through all the beforerise beauty. I hear that today in 1902 - Ansel Adams was born. He would have never slept thru a photo shoot, or maybe he always did and thats why he never had time to load color film in his camera?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sunrise Feb 19 2009

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Cracker Jack Sunrise

Good Morning Cruiser, Welcome to San Diego on this pinkish morning. Starting the day with a smooth ride into the "Finest" city in America. Hopefully that is "Fine" similar to great, not "Fine" as be sure not to run that camera activated red light by the cruise ship terminal. Today marks the day that in 1913 the 1st prize was inserted into a Cracker Jack box. I think San Diego can be your Cracker Jack prize today. You can't quite put it in your pocket and take it home with you, but the memories might just stick to your brain like the last Cracker Jack sticks in your pocket. When you find it a couple of months later you just might want to savor it again.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday February 18, 2009

Good Morning San Diego,
It looks like another beautiful day for SD. On this day in 1979 Snow fell in the Sahara Desert! Kind of like yesterday when it was blue skys and raining like mad. It's 42 degrees right now, but will hit 62 degrees by noon. This is really winter by our standards. Ho Hum what will we do today? Surf?Check out

Scripps Pier
Today 06:27am

Chest High
3-4/5ft NW
+ view details

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday Feburary 17 2009

Good Morning Blue Skys,
Boy, have we missed you this last few days. The weatherman had this crazy storm down. And we're back to normal for a few days. You gotta love our weather man. He must be the most bored guy in this line of work. How many times can you repeat "Good Morning San Diego, the temperature is going to be 72 degrees today"? Maybe they just put him on a loop and he is only live one week a year when there is a storm. The rest of his 8 hours a day are spent pouring over the thesaurus trying to come up with new words for beautiful weather. Good luck to him, I couldn't find one. I did find a good one for the day we had yesterday: Lustration (noun) Ritual purification by ceremonial washing or sacrifice. (my 2 ficus trees blown down qualify for sacrifice) Literally, illumination or making shiny; This word works, we're washed, definitely clean and shiny, and this mornings sunrise is all illumination.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunrise Feb 16 2009

Good Morning San Diego,
Buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy ride. We are going to be blown, thrown and watered down today. An inch of rain in the next 12 hours? I know all the tourists will be devastated. (what happened to sunny San Diego?) Locals will love it though, maybe we wont have water rationing this summer. I know my orchids will be happy to hear that.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Morning

Wake up Chubby,
Well how many kinds of chocolate flavored love did you savor yesterday? Did you get any? Did you give any? Sweets I mean. Too much information on the other kind, you can share that with Howard Stern. His radio showed premiered February 15, 1993 on WNVE 95.1 FM, amazing, 16 years listening to other people having a great time. I won't share my "paraphilemia" (look it up...) with you. Instead, I will share my view again, and yet again. This addiction is better than chocolate, an hasn't changed my dress size.

Sunday Morning

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day San Diego

The couple below are longtime friends of mine. They just want to send a smile to you for today. By the way, he has had his fishing license since he could walk, and says "Love is blind, but marriage is an eye-opener" So why is she wearing the sunglasses?

Good Morning to the day of Anodyne

A sweet Valentines Day to you. Like the welcoming arms of your beloved, who removes the cares of the world from your shoulders this anodyne sun rising over the shoulders of San Diego should warm the heart of the day...

EEWWW... enough sappiness for one day already. Lets have some fun.
Did you know that :
11,000 same-sex couples have married in California between June 17 and September 17, 2008.
The San Diego Daily average number of marriage licenses, 2000-May 2008: 97
The total amount of marriage licenses issued in the state of California in 2008: 230,770
The total amount of men that purchased some type of California fishing license in 2008:

Friday, February 13, 2009


Tricadecaphobia...does that mean fear of a stateroom on the third deck of this cruise ship? Happy Friday the 13th all you scaredy cats! There will not be any black cats, or ladders on this boat. I think their day started out pretty lucky waking up to this city sunrise. Just to be safe you won't catch me stepping on any cracks today .

Good Morning San Diego,
It’s another perfect day in paradise. I woke up this morning at 6:00 to the sound of a trumpet playing “get up all you sleepy soldiers, or Revelie – is that what they call it? Sometimes I hear it when the weather is perfect, it floats the sound all the way from the Point Loma Submarine Base into my cozy quiet room. It is the best alarm clock ever, my personal Soldier playing sweet music in my ear. I love it, although I suppose it is the last thing someone retired from this naval base ever wants to hear again. I know if they never step on another military ship they all would want to be on the cruise ship that came in at sunrise this morning. Check out the last shot of today with all twinkling lights on the water and gold sunbeams above. We are a great city to wake up with.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sunrise over the land of longboards

Good Morning Mr. Lincoln,

Happy Birthday! Here is a San Diego gold-wrapped sunrise to shine on that stovepipe hat.....It's hard to be upset on such a beautiful morning, but if I were you I would be chatting up some date makers about bagging your birthday. At least they didn't lump it in with Martin Luther King day or April Fools Day. You can at least toss back a few hard ciders with the other Presidents that were "redesignated" too. I also give you a little moon set too, going on in the west over the land of the longboards at the exact same time as your gift was rising in the east.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sunrise over San Diego Bay and Coronado

Wake up Pompeii,

Who says San Diego does not have a volcano? What should we call it? Vesuvius is already taken, how about Afflatus? (don't think "windy") it means a sudden rush of divine or poetic inspiration. Too much information? You come up with something better and post it here. Anyway I couldn't choose which shot was best, so you get a little extra sunshine this a.m.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Moon Rise Over San Diego City Skyline Feb 10 2009

Fooled you. What happened to the sun? Come back in a little while and you will see it silly. Lucky me... I almost missed the moonrise, I was having a little happy hour fun with my friends on the "other side of the hill" (kind of like the other side of the tracks). I was watching the sun set over the ocean in the west on the Sunset Cliffs side of our neighborhood. What a rosy glow (from the wine, not the sunset) and SURPRISE, as I return home over the top of the hill, I see a sparkling silver full moon shimmering above all the pinpoint lights of downtown. So, if you are a good little Blogger or Bloggette I will reward you with a little sweet something now and then. (remember the double bows?) I know I'm all about the sunrise, but hey, when I see something unexpected and beautiful, so will you.... Until tomorrow. R

Good Morning Sunshine,

Wake up to the sunny side up. Were washed, blown dry, and ready to to take a stroll on the beach, wanna come too?

You know that today is the holiday for the feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck in
Malta? If he had been trying to sail into San Diego Harbor last night he might just have been able to recreate the reason for that holiday. Just kidding... It wasn't really that scary, but I do have a little stuffy nose from having the covers over my head all night.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A Gift From San Diego To you

It is not a sunrise, but a surprise... a double rainbow at 3:30pm San Diego time. Can you see that I tied your present with TWO bows?