Friday, February 13, 2009

Good Morning San Diego,
It’s another perfect day in paradise. I woke up this morning at 6:00 to the sound of a trumpet playing “get up all you sleepy soldiers, or Revelie – is that what they call it? Sometimes I hear it when the weather is perfect, it floats the sound all the way from the Point Loma Submarine Base into my cozy quiet room. It is the best alarm clock ever, my personal Soldier playing sweet music in my ear. I love it, although I suppose it is the last thing someone retired from this naval base ever wants to hear again. I know if they never step on another military ship they all would want to be on the cruise ship that came in at sunrise this morning. Check out the last shot of today with all twinkling lights on the water and gold sunbeams above. We are a great city to wake up with.

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