Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Back In SD from SB

Good Morning San Diego,
Were you getting crabby because I was gone? These spider crabs on the pier at Avila Beach grabbed me and wouldn't let go, so I had to stay away for a few days. I tried to get back to you sooner, but I got a little side tracked by the vinyards, and a little of the beautiful red juice they pass out so freely at the winery. After chowing down on crab, and washing it down with wine, John got a little friendly with the wildlife. We had a really relaxing trip, and I couldnt wait for the San Diego sunrise, so here is your sunrise, right on time. Enjoy.....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Good Evening San Diego

I will be taking sunrise photos in Santa Barbara for the weekend, See you tuesday with new photos and news. R

Pelican Bay Morning

Good Morning San Diego, Wake up sleepyhead, these soft grey cuddly mornings seem like a great time to slide that blankie back over your touseled head and cruise back into that super hero dream. Too bad the alarm says its time to hit the shower and head for work, it is only Thursday afterall. Even the Pelicans are up and out, got their whole team searching for a hot sardine for breakfast. What are you having?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sailing in to San Diego Sunrise

Good Morning San Diego,
Cruisin' in to the golden shores of SD again. All the Baby Boomers can catch route 66 and relive their childhood all in one city. I have a picture of the route 66 sign I took a while back, did you know it goes right thru downtown Del Mar? If I remember correctly that is where I took the pic. If I can find it today I will post it for you tomorrow. But for now you will just have to enjoy the ones I took today as this ship came in, slipping so quitelty thru the calm water I almost missed it, I was so busy looking at the rising sun...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday March 24, 2009

Good Afternoon San Diego, A little behind the times today, but still a shot of our sunrise from my upper deck, and after breakfast a shot of the Coast Guard cutter heading out for a day at sea. We are having another picture postcard of a gorgeous day. Life in paradise, and all that, we are spoiled, and blessed...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Gold Dust

Good Morning Sunshine, I'ts about time you decided to get back to work. We had our till Sunday shower and now its back to normal, finally....What an amazing sunrise, not a cloud in the sky to interefer with the honey gold dusting on all the harbor. It's a rough place to live, but I'll survive.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Blooming Sunrise

Here is a Sunday Morning Bloomrise in my garden to match the sunrise on the bay.
Good Morning Sunny Diego,

I believe it is going to be a wonderful day. The rain has not arrived, the sun is sunning, and the flowers are definitely blooming. We could sure use the rain, I was looking forward to it really. I don't want to have to water today, but I will.... I found out that today is the anniversary in 1903 when Niagera Falls ran out of water because of a drought. That I cannot imagine, though I have never been there to see it in person, (could it be a government plot to make california feel perpetually inadiquate in the big water department?) So water my plants it is, because in SD that is almost all it takes to keep mother nature at her best....

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sunrise March 21 2009

Good Morning San Diego,
AM city lights for you to enjoy today, since the sun is still on hiatus. One of my heros was honored today (a few years back) 1985 Arthur Ashe was named to International Tennis Hall of Fame. I met him at Balboa Tennis club not long after; he was genuinely friendly to all the players there, even though we were just a small public tennis club, (dues were like $30 a year). He is known for a couple of quotes that have always made sense to me: "You are never really playing an opponent. You are playing yourself, your own highest standards, and when you reach your limits, that is real joy."[8]
"If one's reputation is a possession, then of all my possessions, my reputation means most to me."[9] Of all the tennis players, he has still the best reputation, in my opinion. For all of you who don't think so much of that, I know you are happy because today is also the anniversary of the day in 1963 Alcatraz federal penitentiary in San Francisco Bay closed. Wow what a relief.....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Put some spring in your step today

Good Morning Tiger Lilly, This first day of spring should celebrate how amazing San Diego is for anyone with a green thumb, put it in the ground and water it and watch it grow like crazy! I have similar flowers to these blooming in my yard in the full sun right now. These photos were taken a the Orchid Show, so I can't claim them, when mine are ready for a close up I'll share them.

Good Morning Miss Spring, A little soft around the edges this morning, and you hid the sunrise altogether. I will share a 'little" yacht traveling out at 6:30 this am, heading for open sea and sunshine.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Foggy to Fabulous

Good Afternoon San Diego, welcome to a foggy blanket. I love to see it roll in over Point Loma like a huge curling white ocean wave. It burned off early, so I am sending you a clear afternoon picture of the aircraft carrier #6 the Abraham Lincoln coming home today. Three cheers for the good guys...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Top of the Morning to Ye!

Good Morning you little wanna-be leprechaun. You'd better be 'a wearin' the green' right now, or expect me to be there pinching you. One of the most colorful holidays of the year, St. Pa tricks Day today. My heritage, even though my married name is Tarantino I used to be:
Rory Shannon O'Hearn
Just a little bit Irish. Ive already had my corned beef and cabbage. I don't drink beer, but and Irish Whisky might be on the table tonight. Here is the sunrise for you today. If you are really nice to me I may send you a picture of that famous "green flash" we get at sunset. That would be appropriate for today.....
So click the following: Green Flash for that sunset picture taken by my friend Dave Rude. Yes, Martha, there really is a green flash.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunrise March 16 2009

This is our little Neighborhood Yacht Club. In the 1950s and today. Only 4 slips. I think they call them slips because someone has to "slip away permanently" before my name will inch up one rung towards making it to the top of that waiting list.

Good Morning San Diego,

This is more like it. Back to our warm weather and "Sol D'Oro" sun of gold. I don't know about you, but I am ready for some warm weather. I think that was what the wayward whale in the harbor must be looking for. I have been watching for him, I think when he gets tired of dodging seals and sailors, he may come in to our little inlet for a taste of Point Loma hospitality. The water is clear and clean and the neighbors are very friendly, our little 4 slip La Playa Yacht Club is willing to adopt him as a mascot. We already have a mermaid, so he would be in great company

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ides of March

Good Morning San Diego,

Beware the Ides of March, we just had Friday the 13th, now the 15 of March.....do you have any friendly enemies named Brutus? I would say if you are going to the club to workout, don't wear a white towel and maybe watch your back. The Ides have brought San Diego a little stab as well,

a possible fire? I thought the city was on fire for a little while, then when I looked closely at the photo, I noticed the ugly black smoke seemed to come from the cruise ship on the right. No info on line on the news regarding a problem with fire downtown, or a cruise ship on fire, so maybe it is just a gross polluter? The smoke is larger than the 3 tallest buildings it is covering. It it is just emissions, where are the air quality police? If you know what this is let me know.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Einstein

Good Morning San Diego,
I know you are not an "Einstein", but you can tell this is not a sunrise. Another plain grey one today, so you get to see the view in the day. It's all due to our birthday boy 1879 - Albert Einstein and his special theory of relativity that mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing. So you can't see the sunrise, but you see the same light from the same source, so isn't that the same thing?

Friday, March 13, 2009


Good Morning Sunshine,
Glad to see the color back in your sky, I was a little tired of grey all day. It is Friday the 13th, again, didn't we just have one last month? That's unusual. The sunrise this AM was in step with the 13th, all orange and black. Or is that Halloween? Beware of black cats, ladders and tax bills today. Also be kind to all those crabby people working out there today, you know they are having a bad day. But its Friday, and you have two days to sleep in and sleep off whatever befalls you. Maybe you will hit a "lucky 13" and change you outlook....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Damon

Happy Birthday today to my son. He shares his birthday with 1922 - Jack Kerouac which could have been an omen. Jack said "Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion. " and " Write in recollection and amazement for yourself." So that is what I'm doing. These pictures are some of my favorite, taken by my son's father. He is twice as old now as he was in these pictures. He still can "kick flip" and shred waves like he used to, enjoying the day as it comes.

Sunrise today? Still a little grey.
Here we go again, all those people leaving town, bathing suits packed, diets destroyed, Suntan Oil Companies in the money for a change. As long as it is not the geriatric cruise special you'll have a great time. Eat an extra piece of cheesecake for me. Then go to the movie theatre on board and watch Psycho again for the 20th time. If it isn't playing there go to
Since it is Alfred Hitchcock Day they have the original trailer for the movie. I love it, never saw this before, my Mom would have dug it. She used to make me hold her hand while we watched Alfred Hitchcock Presents. It was on later than my usual bedtime, but lucky me, she wouldn't watch alone, relishing being scared but wanting to share the fear. I still want to watch the scary ones, but only if the violence is left to my imagination. and I can imagine a lot.....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sunrise March 11 2009 Wednesday

Good Morning San Diego,
Finally another beautiful gold sunrise. It is hard to believe that these were taken within about 10 minutes. The light changes so fast at the sunrise, I have to be quick or I miss the best part. Today is Johnnie Appleseed Day
I didn't realize he had his own day. (Although I think I might have celebrated it once in Kindergarten). Today if he went around randomly planting trees he would probably be accused of littering, or potentially wasting water, or disturbing soil in a hillside protected area. I guess I messed up when I bought a peach tree to plant today. Oh well, I don't think apples grow well at the coast in 70 degree weather, they need that really cold weather that I am glad we don't have here in SD. Maybe it will count that I planted a fruit tree today, and that my Johnnie will take these peaches and make me something fab to eat. Do you like peach pancakes?.....

Just before sunrise I caught a helicopter and the green warning light flashing on the buildings in downtown.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday March 10 2009

Good Afternoon San Diego,
I'm a little late again today, but forgive me anyway, I've been sick, and the checks in the mail, and I won't.....and I will....., Oh well, we will use whatever excuse YOU used last time, it worked didn't it? These pics aren't exactly sunrise - that pic was just grey today- so you get some sweetness on the water. A Dole Pineapple Boat, and a sweet classic sailboat for the start of the Maple Sugar Festival season (I've never seen this festival, I hear they have it where there is snow in the winter, and I don't do anything under 70 degrees). I hear that this is not what you are going to get a Dennys, but an amazingly sweet syrup that my friend Dottie used to collect from the maple trees when she was a girl. If we could get that same result from our palm trees we San Diego pancake lovers would really be in heaven. I guess I will have to get my sweet fix from a can of Pineapples from Hawaii, by way of this Dole ship. How we love our Pineapples, let me count the containers. Holy sugar in a can, Batman, take a good look at that ship, it is bigger than the Kona Kai hotel and the marina it is passing.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Under The Weather

Good Afternoon San Diego,
A little late with my usual post,
I'm under the weather, and what wonderful weather it has been today. Too bad I could not enjoy it. A little sick, but I still caught the sunrise for you, (probably my cold from you!) plus a moonrise during the day and a cruise ship leaving the harbor as well. I was thinking of you as I cuddled under the covers with my hot tea, and herbal remedies (plus a few from my medicine cabinet). So stay away from me, stay well, and stay out and about on this gorgous day for me....

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday Sunrise in San Diego

Good Morning Saturday,
Yawn....Pardon my pandiculation. Are you
ready for some Saturday sunshine, surfing and Shenanigans? Shenanigans, I always loved that word, (a little Irish Gaelic, a little mysterious) still don't quite know the exact definition, I will have to look it up. Anyway, I always thought that it meant getting into trouble of some kind that was more fun than naughty. I used it as a nickname for my Daughter, Shannon, calling her "shenanigan" instead. You know you do not realize how a nickname can stick, so be careful when hanging one on your little one. She is still Shenanigan to me though she is over 30 (I won't say how far over) and now nicknamed Penny (you have to ask here how she got that nickname) and she's still that playful, almost naughty personality, creatively looking for fun on the flip side of what is mundane. She'll be outside today, broken leg and all, coaching that raucous roller derby team to a bruised but well deserved victory. Check out Penny McSquish http://http://www.derbydolls.com/sd/meetthedolls/index.html. Also be careful as a young mother what you wish for for your children. "What you dream about you think about, what you think about you bring about." I dreamed of lots of trophies lining Shenanigans walls (tennis, equestrian??) and she has them, they just have a pair of bronze roller skates on them.....