Friday, March 6, 2009

Sunrise March 6 2009

Good Morning San Diego,
What a beautiful sunrise today, we have had some grey ones but this was not one of those. I think we will have some blue skys for a little while anyway. I'm looking for a little sunshine to burn my head cold away. Have you had "La Grippa" this year? Now I feel sorry for you, I know people that have had this lately, and thought they just had "a cold", and were whiners. I think I know better now, my penance for being cold hearted is being cold headed, just like them and just as whiny. So I will brew myself a cup of tea and sit in the San Diego sun hoping I will soak up enough vitamin D to chase this ick away. I would visit you in person, inviting you to watch the sunrise with me, but I don't think you want to even be in the same county as me right now. So you will have to enjoy the sunrise on the computer, and be glad that you won't get any virus from me.

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